Sacred Sexuality: Yoga as the Union of Shiva and Shakti

The sun is love. The lover,
a speck circling the sun.
A spring wind moves to dance
any branch that isn’t dead.
Something opens our wings
something fills the cup in front of us
we taste only sacredness

shivashaktiThe universe and all of its rasa is fruit of the divine union between Shiva and Shakti. The universe is in a constant state of love making. The eternal lover when found within us transforms our relationships with others. The incessant hum of divine union is the the experience which leads us to dance like intoxicated lovers to the drumbeats of the world.


Tantra – myths and facts
Yoga practice – as the union of Shiva and Shakti
Meditation and chanting – tending the sacred fire
Food and herbs – the aksh (sacred offerings) to feed this instrument we call the BODY.

COST: $108
TIME: 7.30 A.M. – 6 P.M. (food and tea breaks will be included)

Tanyate vistaryate jnanam anemna iti tantram
(tantra is the scripture through which the light of knowledge is spread)

Food, Sleep, and Sex: The Yoga of Health

Cover for ShibanaEating right, sleep, and appropriate use of sexual energy are the three “Pillars of Life.” According to Ayurveda and yoga, they are intertwined in their relationship to our “ojas” (vital life force) which protects the body and mind from illness. If any one of the pillars is compromised, as can so easily happen, it affects the balance of the other two and the way we navigate our lives through the world and its ways.

Contact me for this day long workshop of sensuous movement, meditation and food to learn how to enjoyall this “rasa” (sap/juice) of life!!

with love from the heart of the beloved,



One-Day Ayurveda Intensive – October 11

This is the season which teaches us the impermanence of everything… the season which reminds us not to be hopelessly attached to the spring!

In ayurveda, this is the season for deficiency and change.  It is the season to add ojas (building foods), preferably after a gentle cleanse using the right foods for your doshas, herb teas, and yoga practices.  This helps eliminate ama (undigested food, thoughts, emotions, and relationships) from the system to build up your immunity for all the challenges of winter.

The mind and emotions feel the effects of the many sensory experiences of summer and spring.  While this will lead to creative and inspirational ideas, emotions that have been left unexpressed in the busyness of the warm months will begin to arise.

002 editedJoin Shibana One Wellness for a one-day Ayurveda intensive on Friday, October 11, to learn about ojas, tejas, and prana,  Ayurvedic lifestyle and foods  that aid in managing the high vata of the autumn months in preparation for winter.  The session will close with prayers and guidance on how to set up an altar that will be your personal sacred space.


Date:  October 11, 2013
Time: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm • Ayurvedic lunch will be served
Cost:  $98

With love from the heart of the beloved,